Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another Busy Morning!

This treasurer job is a big one. Bigger than I thought. I am not sure I like handling all this money and checks. I don't even use my own balance sheet for the bank, and I have to use one for this! Iactually have to get help, because I never balance my checkbook. I don't have to. I only use it for bills, and nothing else, so I know exactly what is going on. I came home with over $3,000 in cash and checks, a big pile of reciept I have to file, write out checks to and send in to whoever they go to. It's going to be a hour or more worth of work! She (my friend/president of P.T.O.) tole me it was easy and wont take up much time. I don't know about her, but sitting for over an hour in school, going to the bank almost daily, sitting at home balancing, writing checks, making deposit slips, running into the school getting money that needs depositing, sure does take up my time! Well, I have a few embroideries and cards done, and my son might be able to get my Kodak program on here today since he stayed home from school today, so I may be able to get some pics posted! Hope so! Have a great day! (((((hugs)))) Michelle

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