Monday, April 20, 2009

Good Morning....

I hope all had a good weekend. I had a so so one. I made a couple things, but am only sharing one, since the other pic isn't that great! I'll take another. This pic isn't that great either, but I'm not a professional photographer, I'm a crafter. I like to make things and share pictures of them. I don't have fancy back drops, or a fancy camera. I'm lucky to have the one that I have! I'm just sayin. I had a person e-mail me about my photos. To that person: If you don't like them, dont' look!!! LOL!! Sorry about that, but I would never do that to someone, I am a nice person, who loves anyones' craft pictures, animal pictures, cards, kids, whatever. I am a plain , simple person, who loves my kids, dog, and my crafts, in that order! LOL! Anyway, enough of that, point made. Here is my clay pot table I made for my patio.

I love to paint. I'm not a pro at that either, but I do what I do, and everyone always likes it. Matter of fact, I have a couple orders already, because I was sitting on my front stoop painting these and a neighbor stopped by and admired and loved it, and ordered 2! I am going to make me a patriotic one, and watermelon themeed one for the patio. Anyway, I just wanted to share, and sorry about the rant about the pics, but I am appalled at peoples guts to tell another crafter thier pics are less than perfect and I should try harder. I love to visit all your blogs, and love all your ideas, projects, pictures, and your accounts of your days. Hugs to you all!


Lynn said...

Very cool idea! I love it! About someone commenting on the quality of your photo...some people are just plain negitive, rude and nervy! Try to ignore their comment and remember all the good ones instead. :-) I'm willing to bet that person doesn't even have a blog and doesn't take time to share at all

Patty said...

I can't believe someone would say something about your pictures. How rude. Congratulations on getting some orders for your clay pots!